Today at a friend's house we started talking about things most people seem to love that you just can't abide. Here comes my confession...
I don't like strawberries.
Is that a crime?
I just don't like the texture of the skin. Like an overly porous and pimply red face.
And that mini mass of greenery that tops it off...
Thanks but no thanks.
I love strawberry-flavoured drinks/foodstuff though. Does that redeem me at all?
Why do I always hear people banging on about the delights of strawberries and cream?
[Bald Monk has some amazing stuff on flickr with some lively, playful photography,
click and explore if such is your desire!]
Did I mention, I don't like any kind of cream unless it's the kind I can put on my dry elbows or it has the word 'ice' before it.
When I see people joyfully spraying cream into their mouths as they so often do in 'happy' movie scenes I just feel really queasy.
I don't do olives. I've tried. More than once. But they're just not for me.
(I'm not alone on that one in my circle of friends who forsook me on the strawberry stance!)
I don't like mushrooms. I think the texture doesn't do it many favours either.
Nuts. I can eat them. I'm not allergic. But I'd rather not.
And the cherry on top: I don't like cherries.
As my sister pointed out to the group, I love condensed milk and will put it on most anything.
I have some strange food cravings (chalk is great), which leads me to believe that my future pregnancies will leave me eating completely 'normally'!
Eh non. Je n'aime pas les cerises.
Elles sont assez jolies, c'est vrai.
Fraîches. Elles semblent toujours venir en paires.
Glacées. Elles décorent les gâteaux.
Superbes. À l'œil. Mais ni dents, ni ma langue n'ont envie de (re)découvrir leur goût.
[check out more photography by chotda who makes food come alive (a scary but fabulous thought) - she seems to capture taste on camera... cool hunh?]
Ah, la crème fraîche.
Ah, non merci. Ça ne me dit rien. La crème glacée par contre... volontiers!
Et le chocolat, j'adore! Pour de très bonnes raisons bien sûr.
Voici une petite leçon à retenir:
le chocolat > produit des endorphines
les endorphines > procurent une sensation de bien-être
le chocolat <=> le bien-être
Alors sois bien!