Tuesday, 4 August 2009

The Soloist * Le Soliste

I read about the movie The Soloist a while back and have been awaiting its release since then. Finally this movie starring Jamie Foxx is out in the US and soon to be in the UK (25th September).

It's based on the true story of a relationship between LA Times journalist Steve Lopez and an ex-Julliard student, schizophrenic, über-talented musician called Nathaniel Ayers.

It makes me think about the people on our streets.
The 'crazies'. The 'tramps'. The 'bums'.
The homeless, loveless, mentally unstable with problem-ridden lives.
We generally don't know where people are coming from and how they've ended up in the situation they're in.
I think it's sad how we, I included, tend to brush them to the outskirts of our consciousness only to feel slight pricks on the conscience upon seeing a particularly disheveled victim of our society on an episode from a reality TV show.

Enfin l'heure du Soliste approche.
Il s'agit du développement d'une relations amicale entre un journaliste et un musicien SDF.

Ça me fait fait penser à nos (mes) réactions envers les SDF. Soivent, on préfère oublier qu'ils existe parce se soucier réellement de l'état d'autrui prend trop de temps. Dommage.

Enfin, le film a l'air assez intéressant, j'essaierai d'aller le voir...

Ça sort en France le 2 septembre 2009.

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